In World
War II Auschwitz was one of the worst intended whereabouts for the victims. There
a single potato was enough for surviving one more day, the life conditions were
not basics for a human being. This extermination camp was started in 1940 and
is located at 60km west from Cracovia in Poland. People died by shootings,
illnesses, gas cameras, lack of food, etc. But was in 1942 that an order that
all the children of the occupied areas should go to Auschwitz was dictated, converting
Auschwitz in a hell for the big and little ones.
When the nazis received a group of children, they
immediately killed the most little ones, because they were too little to work,
or not “useful”. The children that were able to live were separated from their
mothers. If their mothers had the conditions to work, they were sent to
Auschwitz too, but to a different area. Only the camps of the families with a
gipsy origin or from Theresienstadt had the right to stay together. The other
ones should live by their own. After this kids were selected they were sent to
learn about construction to Birkenau (headquarter of Auschwitz also called
Auschwitz II) while the crematories were built there. The kids lived in
malnutrition, because they were forced to make extremely hard works with a bad

In 1943, these children were sent to Auschwitz I
again. There, they were exterminated by injecting them phenol. Some kids were
sent to work in the camp as pawns, where the German authorities abused of them.
Sometimes, the children were blond with light-colored eyes; the German
authorities took them to be “Germanized” while the ones that looked like Jewish
people were abused and bad threatened.
What this kids lived was a
shock for their whole life. If an adult suffered in Auschwitz, for a kid was
worst. Their first memories were seeing people dying or feeling hungry,
painful, and unhappy. They never had the time to know what happiness was. This
is what they can call “childhood” and what they remember of their first years
of life. We can take as an example to Daniel Canoch, who at the age of 7
escaped from the concentration camps. He once visited Auschwitz and leaned back
in his bed, and all what he remembered was horrible things. And that was what
Nazis did, horrible things that build up what those children know now as their
earliest memories.
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